For reference. Finally sent an email to a senior university...

  1. 2,410 Posts.
    For reference.  

    Finally sent an email to a senior university lecturer in astrophysics about this 74.4 year cycle and a novel correlation looking
    for feedback.
    name not published for the minute out of courtesy.

    Will update my other threads in due course.

    Subject: Question regarding Solar Cycles and a curious correlation



    I have a question regarding Solar Cycles and a curious correlation and decided to
    contact a professional as yourself.

    Over the last decade the Arctic Ice question I suspected would in part be affected by massive bodies acting harmoniously which would create a cycle. This led me to a cycle of 74 years which I googled and found a 2005 paper

    The influence of the lunar nodal cycle on Arctic climate

    By Harald Yndestad

    The paper presents an analysis of the time-series for the polar position, the extent of Arctic ice, sea level at Hammerfest, Kola section sea temperature, Røst winter air temperature, and the NAO winter index as a way to identify a source of dominant cycles

    which found a sub harmonic of 74 or 74.4 years which corresponded with 4 x the lunar nodal cycle

    But no mention of the Sun ! as this is the massive object to influence .. so I divided 74.4 by 7 to get 10.62 years ( close to the known Solar Cycle )and thus the Search began to find 10.62 references but only Wiki Solar Cycle and a Sun equatorial references could be found.

    4 x 18.6 Years moon lunar nodal cycle

    7 x 10.62 Years ( solar cycle ? )

    Both approx 74.4 Years a good harmonious result

    Good I thought...  there should be a paper.

    But Finding 10.62 year references I could only find one thread.

    From Wiki Solar Cycle...
    Fossil records suggest that the Solar cycle has been stable for at least the last 700 million years. For example, the cycle length during the Early Permian is estimated to be 10.62 years and similarly in the Neo Proterozoic.

    I need something Newtonian for current day not Fossils

    so I worked an Earth Cycle Calculation  based on a trivial calculation I found on the internet for the time a motor vehicle travelling at 1000mph direct to the sun would take .That resulted in 10.62 Years ... I could use that.

    So what about the Earth travels at 1000 mph?

    Earths Rotation!

    A / ( B x C x D )

    A = Average Distance to Sun
    B = Earth Rotation Velocity
    C = Hours in  One Earth Day
    D = Days in One Earth Year

    Using Average accepted values below and two decimal places should give approximate answer

    93,000,000 miles / (1000 x 24 x 365) = 10.62  

    Earth takes 10.62 years to (equatorialy) rotate 93,000,000 miles which is also the average fossilised Solar Cycle as described in wiki entry!

    So my question Is this calculation known, novel for my use or scientifically unpublished?

    Thanks in advance for your considered response

    Last edited by LuckyMojo: 23/09/20
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