More Windmills For Australia

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    Australian Liberty Alliance

    December 15 at 8:06am ·

    Hot Air from Paris and more windmills for Australia.

    The estimates vary between 40,000 and 50,000. By anyone’s counting, this was a very large number of politicians, bureaucrats, NGO staff, administrators, journalists, self-appointed activists and assorted water carriers for the esteemed leaders going to Paris to save us all from climate change. These are the computer modeler predictions of the natural variability in the +/-0.01 per decade range - subject to +/-0.02 margin of error.

    The result, as expected, consists of a gazillion liters of extra jet fuel burned, many empty bottles of French wine, and 31 pages filled with hot air:

    As a result expect more of your taxes to be going overseas, lining the pockets of climate change activists, traders in imaginary CO2 credits and government ministers of developing countries issuing those CO2 credits out of thin air. Money for nothing and more cheques for free.

    To top it off, PM Turnbull announced that the LNP will re-introduce taxpayer subsidies for unreliable, expensive and ecologically questionable windmills driving small power generators.

    Under Abbott, the LNP stopped this questionable use of tax payer money. Under Turnbull, it’s all back on.

    For those who still believe that windmills connected to the grid serve any purpose other than to increase wealth of their suppliers and advocates, here is a brief fact check:…/story-fn59niix-1226462745…

    ALA Energy policy is clear: We want Australia to move towards reliable, affordable and clean energy. Neither wind nor solar meet our criteria for reliability and affordability for grid-connected power generations. Our future vision for Australia’s energy mix includes a planned transition from coal and gas to clean and reliable energy sources including hydro-electric, Thorium and fuel cell technology for localised power.

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