Morrison must be sacked for AZ vaccine statement, page-4

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 326
    I suspect our politicians of all stripes are ill informed and out of their depth. I have little or no confidence in the so called "Therapeutic Goods Administration" poseurs.

    The litigation is going to be huge. Every other day I am bumping into someone whose friend or family have severe adverse reactions to the AZ "jab" including quick death. In the UK who started earlier than us, the funeral houses are full to capacity and unable to meet the demand.

    This surge only began the week they started injecting the unproven "vaccines" which are NOT vaccines as 1. they are trial not proven and thus in law therefore NOT ALLOWED to be called vaccines, 2. Flights are being cancelled at an unprecedented rate and there are at least 17 and more like 25 pilots already dead from the injections. There are very healthy people otherwise and are tested frequently. Some have reportedly died suddenly in flight, without any warning signs. Insurers are starting to back away from airline cover if they use pilots who have taken the dirty 7 fake vaccines.

    I am hearing a doctor on 2GB Sydney confidently stating there are minimal deaths from the AZ, etc. he had better check his insurers because they may not cover him if he is litigated against. He can be as he being a doctor gave advice which people followed to their detriment when he should have stated these 7 are experimental and not proven safe in law by the accepted international procedures.

    Morrison has stated that he intends to make it compulsory for staff in nursing homes to be "vaccinated". It is a criminal act under international law to require any person to take a trial drug or vaccine. I have also seen a good report that it is not allowed under the Australian constitution also. It sounds likely.

    Don't fall for the "I'm a doctor so I know" as so many do. Some of the worlds leading specialists in pathology, and virology are telling people not to take any of these fake shots , the Nobel Prize winning virologist in France is predicting that no one who takes these injections will be alive in three years time. The passivity of the medical profession is terrifying. Many know or suspect what is going on, but are threatened with loss of license if they speak out.

    We are under biological attack. War by other means. .

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