all their ideals turned to dust, all the brave ideas..... how...

  1. 42,725 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    all their ideals turned to dust, all the brave ideas..... how they would revolutionise Gov in Aus.... and all the states would flock to see our success and praise the Lord as the Lord has led us to this success.....

    ah well, I don't like to make fun of religious beliefs, yet I can imagine this was something like their thinking. Morrison and his mate Stuart.....

    'we'll get all those bludgers of the dole.... kick 'em off and make them find a job..... we'll make those bludgers pay back what they owe us taxpayers... and charge them interest......' (this is not intended as a quote.... just guessing)

    and they call themselves christian. --- scumbags.
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