Hope it's not a hanging offence to summon up a wide - YAWN! But...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Hope it's not a hanging offence to summon up a wide - YAWN! But should go well- MISTER Bowen always has an answer for absolutely everything. Will leap at this chance. COuld one more question be added? Or too late? Can he, perhaps explain where the missing, promised big "surpluses" of Mr. Swan's (ever) got to?

    Meanwhile, I'll contact Mr. Cormann's office - and complain at his apparent "no show". As should other HC members. This is very disappointing - did he agree - in writing? Or has he - perhaps - been overuled?
    Is he well - or just hugely extra-ordinarily pressured - which Bowen is not, at present. Largesse is always easier - and promises made which one perhaps one can never - will never - keep -a huge advantage when one is in Opposition, unpressured - and unscrutined. NO ABC FAirfax heavy bias on one's tail - to ensure future adherances, promises kept. LNP have some HUGE issues on their plate - at present. Maybe his PA's had the flu?

    Of course Bowen will be in his element - over this tit - for tat opportunity. Bet he'll be positively glowing - AND hugely triumphant.

    Suppose, in this - still a democracy - I'm allowed SOME right to comment. Or will I just drift away? This seems back-handed, perhaps unfairly, to Mr. Cormann. To me.
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