Does the Australian govt actually control the Royal Australian...

  1. 9,258 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 511
    Does the Australian govt actually control the Royal Australian Navy, or is the RAN now under the command of the Washington War Party.

    it's a question worth asking following news the RAN is to participate in provocative naval drills in the South China Sea alongside warships from the US, Japan and the Philippines.

    news of the naval exercises comes just a few short weeks after a visit to Australia by China's Foreign Minister Wang.

    this was the first ministerial visit for many years and one that was seen as a somewhat thawing of relations between the two countries following years of aggressive posturing by the clueless govt led by PM morrison.

    insofaras naval exercises aren't arranged overnight, was Australia's FM Wong being anything more than two-faced during her meetings with China's Wang.

    imagine the furore if China decided to hold naval exercises with the Solomon Islands govt, or PNG, in the Coral Sea.

    or if China's navy deployed a task force to the Caribbean or the Gulf of Mexico on a goodwill mission to Cuba. We would never forget the intensity of the faux outrage from the US and western propaganda services, ie MSM, including the ABC.

    one can't help but think successive Australian govt have sold out our nation to US defense interests..

    when did freedom of navigation with Australia's number #1 trading partner actually become an issue rather than just a talking point for belligerent govt ministers including morrison, dutton and marles.

    why is Australia complicit in the genocide by Israel in Gaza.

    why doesn't the federal Labor govt pursue Australia's national interest instead of just being used as a tool to help prop up a fading US empire and a British empire that's already disappeared.

    $368 billion for attack nuclear-powered subs. Great deal. Maybe get two vessels by 2050.
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