NDIS - a necessary service to the disabled, page-5

  1. 43,096 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    its not gravy train anymore. what you're referring to is the past practice aimed at paying out without scrutiny of the invoice for services rendered.

    Shorten has made significant changes which have stopped such gravy from being sloshed around and enabling rorts and rip offs.

    yes there are a small proportion of people who are addicted. the great majority are people as you describe, born with congenital deformities and/or mental limitations. one could say that addicted people have mental limitations too.

    also there are strong controls on what money can be allocated fro given services/therapeutic practices. in the past these were focused on services that had no perceivable or measurable benefit for the participant. now they must show benefit in order to qualify as a service provider. this is still in the process of being rolled in but many service providers aren't registered with the NDIS as approved services and there is a strong push back by some participants who want to keep their connection with teams of carers they have developed. its a prickly matter with slow progress.
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