Hairyback, you appear to have forgotten that The Greens joined...

  1. 46,376 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Hairyback, you appear to have forgotten that The Greens joined with the Abbott's Liberals to block the ETS Kevin Rudd had negotiated with Malcolm Turnbull's Liberal Party - they breathe life into Abbott's career!

    You also appear to have forgotten that The Greens joined with Abbott's Liberals to block Julia Gillard's Regional Solution to asylum seeker management following the recommendations of the Expert Panel Abbott initially supported, providing Abbott with the keys to Kirribilli House.

    As for the slanderous allegation you've made of bribery, Jacquie Lambie has made no secret of her disgust at Abbott's decision to cut the real wages of members of our armed forces after having earlier sent them back into yet another war in the Middle East.

    As for the DD; well prior to the election Abbott promised that's what he'd do. Gough Whitlam didn't hesitate in 1974, but Abbott has neither Whitlam's sense of conviction nor his courage. Indeed, Abbott is happy to break yet another election promise as he wriggles and squirms while clinging to power.
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