Now we know how the vaccine causing a big increase cancer and other diseases., page-34

  1. 28,687 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    Bottom line, Boomer.

    There has never been a vaccine created to combat the common cold.

    C-19 /The Rona is a coronavirus (do you agree with that statement?) and as such it is a respiratory virus.

    Respiratory viruses are not like the poliovirus, they mutate at such a rapid rate that any vaccine developed will be out of date before the Boffin’s fill their first vile of vaccine.

    That is why there has never been any effective vaccine capable of ridding humanity of colds or flu’s.

    Have a google if you don’t believe me.

    Also that’s why these jab’s are not “vaccines”, they are novel treatments.

    I’m not lying or pushing 5 G conspiracy theories or Chem Trails but it seems you are a believer who still holds onto the “safe & effective” baloney narrative when even Pfizer has stated that they didn’t even test their products to see if it reduced Transmission.

    Perhaps you could change the Boomer to Emu or Ostrich on rations.

    Head in the Sand.
    Last edited by zipperlip: 16/04/24
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