One Nation destroys Palmers Party in Qld, page-17

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Labor paid the price for leadership ructions in the Rudd/Gillard time. The coalition did not learn from that and did the same. The point I make is that with all that dysfunction Labor still could not capitalise and that is an indictment on the leadership group and the campaign strategy. Heads need to roll and renewal is needed in the leadership group. A younger, ideas based, proactive, energetic leadership that takes nothing for granted. Politics is a game of margins and whoever keeps winning those battles wins govt. No room for the lazy who want to sit back, collect their pay and perks and hope for the best! They also need smart back up teams. First class electorate officers that are responsive to the respective electorates and to build bridges amongst community groups everywhere.

    Look at the optics of the Labor campaign. The organisers so incompetent they could not even make certain that at a pre-organised visit to an industrial site there would be a warm reception for the the Labor leader. Instead the nation saw a worker refuse a handshake from Shorten. By contrast Morrisons campaign was well orchestrated and slick. Everyone fawning over him lol! Obviously they made certain the right people would be there to fawn. Hopeless Labor needs to shake those cobwebs away, pull their fingers out and work competently and professionally. They also need to engage some competent public relations people to manage campaigns including the all important optics.

    They lost the unlosable election and someone needs to accept responsibility for that.

    I am not confident that will happen!
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