Origin of Life - Proof for creation rather than evolution, page-537

  1. 23,390 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Well the truth is and this might come as a surprise, I only have one head haha.
    But a lot of the time, most of, it's like I have two ha. Not sure if you are aware of the 4 personalities. I am quite Phlegmatic who is one getting around to it. But the other part of me, is Melancholy and they like everything ship shape and very detailed and nothing out of place, no tolerance for imperfection in all work they do and expect the same from others. They have to see the start and finish of a job and all the possible hurdles along the way and how they would be solved before starting.
    Well,,,,,,, the Phlegmatic thinks bugger, this is too hard and takes forever getting onto it haha, so the two heads fight each other.
    I walk past a leaking tap, think, well I better get onto that and it's like, I will think of all the possible issues that might not arrive (ha) when fixing, so six months later, drip drip. So each time I see it, I go bugger it downs your mood, drops your happy place on your happy thermometer a couple of degrees and you walk past another problem and down another 2.

    My wife is more Melancholy, so we can sometimes have three heads fighting haha, but then I turn it back on her and say, Well,,,, you picked me in High School all those years ago

    But I do give her joy sometimes - When we moved here many years ago, the glass sliding door was a bugger to open, would really set your mood haha (rollers). About two years later I put in new rollers, just about smashed the glass a first as in run so smooth haha and my wife for days just played with this door with a Big smile each time she opened it = I can make small things seem so wonderful The joy of the little things in life.
    Well that was a load of irrelevance hey!

    PS. The stupid part of it - I know haha.
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