I heard Pearson on the radio at 9am WST and I assume it was a...

  1. 16,936 Posts.
    I heard Pearson on the radio at 9am WST and I assume it was a grab from Insiders(?) and he sounded ever so conciliatory (suggesting a yes vote meant we would all love each other {a perfect emetic}) and thought what a snake this bar steward is.

    Two months ago this same piece of excrement was calling anyone who was voting no "white c*^#*" and more. He personifies hate merchants.

    He knows the yes campaign is cooked and is trying on the carpet bagger charm. Well it ain't gunna work with me. Over a long period Pearson has made it abundantly clear what his view of non aboriginal Australian is and a last minute appeal to my "better side" is pointless.

    Suffer in your jocks Pearson.
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