Opinion and generalizations do not equal fact, even if the...

  1. 23,500 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Opinion and generalizations do not equal fact, even if the opinions and generalizations are coming from ex Muslims.

    Fact is proof that a claim is true.

    Claiming unspecified Halal organizations (in Australia) are directly funding terrorism would still require proof for it to be fact.

    Even Hairyback's link on this thread to the Christian Broadcasting Network, they spoke in terms of generality and indirectly.

    Do you know how many Halal certification agencies there are in Australia?

    Does your generalizations apply to them all, or are just some of them directly funding terrorism?

    The petition made a specific and definitive claim that hasn't been substantiated.

    Maybe we should cease trade with all Muslim countries and businesses so that funding doesn't find it's way to terrorists.

    We could also make every Muslim in Australia fill out a weekly statement as to where they spent their funds, just in case they purchased a Halal certified product. If they have, we could round them up and lock them up.

    Money collected from halal certification may also pass to foreign Islamic religious and political groups.
    Some insiders claim such donations can be used to finance fundamentalist Koran schools or cover operational expenses of Islamic terrorists.

    P.S. brucyg, even though I believe your argument is flawed, I appreciate you have put an effort into presenting your argument.
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