Philosophical comment

  1. 25,435 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29
    Any one who trains horses or any animals needs to desensitize them so that they are not spooked easily and become very placid.

    IMHO this is what has happened to the world’s economies and stock markets, the people have become desensitized to the point that they can’t be surprised, and will not react to anything short of an atomic bomb going off in the middle of NY. They are just like a big bowl of jelly

    Look at the dramas throughout the world,
    The Ukraine being invaded
    Three passenger jets lost, inc one shot down
    Terrorist shooting in Australia and Paris and of course other areas as well
    Japan doubling the amount of money in the system by printing ( QE)
    Most other countries are doing the same in large sums because they are in financial trouble
    Oil is now half the price it was
    Commodities are also half what they were
    So the list continues, but what effect has it had on the DOW very little, the DOW keeps powering on without hesitation

    So I have to ask- how much are those high flying companies actually worth?

    There have been many reports regarding the real value of real gold and the paper gold and that if everything goes pear shaped those holding paper gold will be very disappointed to find that they do not own anything but a scrap of worthless paper

    Have we also reached the point that all those share values are also worthless and that there is no intrinsic value in those holdings and they are nothing but bits of monopoly paper money and also worthless

    Anyone who trades shares (I Hope) Does Their Own Research and looks at the balance sheets and the health and capitalization of the company prior to investing and turns away from those with a high share price but no assets and no profits and no future.

    Has it got to the point that buyers are just buying because the price is going up and no-one knows why it going up, so buy anyway because it may be too good to miss
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