To those sneering about my typos - (and aren't the Left...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    To those sneering about my typos - (and aren't the Left excellent at such! - always out to knock down) - I have illness in my house - and being an almost full time carer - at present) it's not "Can't spell" - it's scarce time and energy to review and revise posts. And the short edit time to adjust one's typo errors. So thanks, Lefty detractor sneerers - yes, I can spell. Well. Thanks.

    We are all of us pressured. Should not have to self-justify - for benefit of seemingly totally perfect people - who gloat ..and take pleasure in personal insult (as do Labor and the Greens!) I am just pressured more than usual, at this particular moment in time. But hey! I was told I had to be nice. Happy. Rap over the knuckles stuff! So all of you should be, too! In a democracy - in which I thought there was one law for all?

    I note this forum now seems to be (just) only a vehicle for Australian Domestic Politics - (ref, a comment on Feedback) - and therefore suggest a change of heading os needed - to stipulate that!

    All things International politics - and things anti- terrorist - or other world events having bearing on our national well-beings, security, and political directions - what - seem to have been relegated to only being allowed to appear on the dustier shelf of less read "Debate" forum. Is that an official ruling?

    And so political correctness has won. And freedom of speech has lost. IMO. Which in itself renders me speechless. Hadn't even seen Debate as a new forum - until some of my posts were shifted from here to there by hands unseen..

    Keep criticising radical Islam, at one's own peril? No direct opinion on days' events tolerated? - just stick it on less read "debate?"

    A sort of "don't mention the War?"

    Or talk about certain sectors of society - but never criticise Islam. ABC don't. Fairfax don't. We are told to be tolerant. It's all our fault, you see. We racist, bigotted, red necked, ignorant Anglo Saxon/convict stock absolute morons.

    But I am condemned anyway. By the Left. Water off a ducks back.
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