This is not a simple case of using a few inappropriate names,...

  1. 8,237 Posts.
    This is not a simple case of using a few inappropriate names, I'd be cool with that. I don't think you truly get it.

    Read it...

    Here's a quick excerpt

    "Goodness, what different times.
    Today, [A PERSON] told me of a problem at [A COMPANY]. Some harlot [A WOMAN] went back to a room party when her key would not work and waiting, went to sleep on the bed. Another [PERSON AT THAT COMPANY] put his penis in her mouth, as you do, and she called the police.
    I told [A PERSON] she was a worthless slut who will now cause this poor chap, who certainly did not adhere to Debretts , years of imprisonment with big black chaps because she is a worthless slut who should not have been there. In Dubai, she would be locked up as well. The muzzies are not all wrong about this."

    Barry Spurr replies:
    "Reeling from that [redacted] story. Ye gods. I think she needs a lot put in her mouth, permanently, and then stitched up.
    Red Lantern is excellent and [a friend] had reserved for us 'the special table', partitioned off from the rabble. We must go there some time...."
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