q & a tonight, page-8

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Don't even watch this muck any more. On goes a good video. Oh, the freedom - from this soul-destroying, mind-numbing political correctness and Machiavellian ABC manipulative production. And Tony Jones making a fool of himself - practising "how to be an objective Moderator" - and failing, dismally. But who cares - he gets massively recompensed. To spread his Leftist guests' propaganda.

    Stacked, staged, totally set-up Left's way - Twittering twits stacked and vetted the Marxist way - panel usually five to one pro-Left - and most questioners set-ups - a kiddie's show, really. A Labor Party plug.

    And if he can get two words in - over Geoffrey Robertson - it'll be the Chris Bowen diatribe show. He'll ramble in - ad nauseum. T. Jones'll never tell HIM to "hurry up" - not in a million years! Anyone of the Right, however, gets hurried along - always gets short shrift. Usually with some added T. Jones sarcastic add-on sneer cheap shot.

    This show has well passed it's Use By date. It's mouldy. It stinks. But Mark Scott will never, ever, throw it out. It's his red ragger flagship.

    The Drum a mini-version - same. No audience, but stacked totally overweight Left - to the rafters. Usually a four to one bias, against the LNP. ABC think that yes, we ARE all of us stupid.

    They have an agenda, alright. Barrie Cassidy or Tony Jones - a dead -heat, as to who's the most biased. Against the conservatives they both hate.

    Never forget - YOU, dear friends, are paying for all this mish-mash. Being totally dudded!
    Last edited by iron mike: 07/09/15
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