Racist PC, page-2

  1. 6,437 Posts.
    It's no coincidence that all the shouts of racism , sexism etc come from one side - the Left . So it's no surprise nobody was allowed to criticise Obama and his wife . The left have a genuine inability to debate / discuss before losing it and starting the abuse . They have moved beyond that now , believing that physical assault and vandalism is an acceptable way to get their point across .

    Constant insults , multiple tweets and facebook posts calling for Trumps assassination are now laughed off but shoe on the other foot would have met with charges and jail time . The hypocracy of the left is purely mind boggling in it's breadth .

    Where was this world going go under another term of the Democrats - Clinton ? War with Russia was shoe in , one world government , UN's Agenda 2030 , you name it and that was democracy ???

    The left wouldn't know democracy if it reared up and kicked them in the head .
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