First up, to a degree we are probably both making guess's or...

  1. 23,389 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    First up, to a degree we are probably both making guess's or assumptions in various areas, as sadly the Bible doesn't really give us enough info on the soul and spirit matter.
    So perhaps some of the ideas I'm going to throw out there, are possibly just that (ideas) and thoughts to ponder, which may trigger other thoughts to you and maybe some dots might align for us?

    I will cover your last first;

    "That's why i said to gumunderfoot that I see resurrections every day. It literally is a tangible change in the spirit of a person from spiritual death to spiritual life, from spiritual mortality to spiritual immortality, the perishable soul becomes imperishable."

    What you are covering here imo, is a spiritual resurrection in the here and now, you might say your preparation and assurance of a literal resurrection, your official resurrection to eternal life, when Jesus literally comes in some form or another. (you might say, stage three finalized).
    But the Bible is clear, that the same Jesus that was seen going into the clouds, is the one that will be coming.

    What you also appear to be covering, is the likes of the following, but I don't believe this is the soul aspect, and not to mention, you're using the spiritual terms here and not soul.
    1 Cor 15:54 - It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

    As I said, I feel the natural is the body/soul and the spiritual I expect is linked to our spirit.
    Spiritual is effectively within our natural atm ?
    The fact that they use the word "is" (if correct), seems to be talking in the present tense, in other words, we are two in one, now.
    The natural is to effectively step into the spiritual, or the natural to effectively marry the Spiritual and not the other way around.
    Hence the two to become one flesh, so to speak, possibly part of a dual meaning for - re Adam and Eve to become one flesh.
    As I previously said -> This is what I'm seeing, a body was formed with all it's parts, it received the breath of life (spirit) and came alive and THAT package is deemed as a living soul.

    "I don't think I see it this way wotsup. There is no package as Paul seems to distinguish the body as separate in 1 Cor 9:27 "Rather, I discipline my body and bring it under control..."

    I don't see that Paul is doing what you say, so some how I will try and explain why lol.

    His brains storage (body) is what's causing him to discipline himself.

    So I'll try and explain in line with what I say above (the package), to try and determine the soul aspect as most might feel it to be.
    You've probably heard the saying -> I did this and that with my entire heart and soul etc.
    But in reality, WHERE does that all come from = your storage bank = your brain, which stores all your heart felt emotions, feelings etc, The who You are, hence your brain is not separate to the body.
    Hence, this is what Paul is talking about, as I'm seeing it?
    You die and that memory bank goes to sleep, shuts down.

    You might say that we are in effect, a human computer and that might sound out there, but have a good think about it.
    We effectively copy/paste from all over the place, in various ways into our brain and store.
    Keep in mind also, the entire Bible theme centers around words, or a play on words, good verses evil and you know the Huge power and influence, conditioning that words have on people = control of the mind, communications etc.
    The computer being the image of man 6 but it being 666? (part of the 666 system)
    3 = perfect of it's kind.
    "If you see the fruits of Baha'u'llah's Tree, you will know that it is the same as the fruits of Jesus's Tree."

    I have not read much, re your faith, but from the basics that I have and seen in your posts, there appears a lot of good in many ways.

    However, one could very well say, it aligns perfectly with prophesy (one world religion coming) and the sheep in wolf's clothing, angel of light etc.

    In short from a Bible perspective -> In the mind and plans of God, the firstborn of his creations, the beginning of his creations in him, where all our creations begin, was for a Jesus to be, born from Mary Col 1:15, Rev 3:14, 13:8, Eph 3:9, the plan hid in him.
    All things were created with this one in mind and for him.

    He is now ruling for God until death no more, literally.

    With that in mind, there is no room from the Bibles perspective, to add in a look alike come Jesus in the picture, another prophet.

    Rev 20:6 - Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.

    Without opening up another subject, from what I gather the 1,000 = plural - thousand - thousand = long period of time.
    1 Thes 4:16 - For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

    "Yes, the dead in Christ will rise first, meaning that that those who truly recognise the Christ in His Spirit will recognise Baha'u'llah."

    If you're suggesting that Baha'u'llah fulfilled the above quote = HOUSTON, we have a problem, as those of Jesus's are suppose to meet him in the clouds wink.png.
    A bit like when they went out to meet him when he come to town on the Donkey and then continued to follow him, to where he was going, which in this case, is to plant his foot on earth.
    ""The soul belongs to God....................and upon death makes its journey back to its Creator and Beloved."

    If anything goes back, I would suggest it is the spirit aspect of us and not the body/soul, which the Bible suggests will be raised in some form.
    But if memory serves me correct, none of the writers speak of anything going anywhere, other than going to sleep and awaiting the awakening.
    I will check out your link, so I can understand more, as to how and why you see things.

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