Right wing right wing right wing, page-55

  1. 13,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Agree at the lower levels all words have origin...for instance all familys are a collective...perhaps the first ever....but the term "collectivist" is the extremist ideological term and exists only under fascist or progressive (interchangeable..whichever one wants to say) doctrines.... communism, Marxism, Leninism et al...the definition of fascism is the group against the individual....collectivism is well understood as the embodiment of all historic evil on the planet...without it evil can only be accomplished individually and that quite simply doesn't get the entire tribe/mob/clan/union?/sjw's etc dopamine flowing.....as a result collectivism is not going away any time soon or ever actually but will take short human history breaks to regroup again after it has consumed even it's self....we are here now in a resurgence after Hitler had a good go at it and now post soviet....this the shooter who was a form of hard collectivist wants to speed up with the shooting to increase the odds of revolution before his collectivist ideal of saving the white human race and cultures from total homogenisation (which is a modern collectivist ideal) did not run out of time. Collectivist against Collectivists...cannot really be called fascism I suppose but more a faction fight.
    Last edited by thalweg: 16/03/19
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