a great story - and watso loves the story. last year, about 6 or...

  1. 29,598 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    a great story - and watso loves the story. last year, about 6 or 7 months ago, watso was cycling along, and ended up chatting to a fellow cyclist - and the fellow cyclist was on his way to some "CLUB MEET" (some seniors type thingy) - and he invited watso to join in.

    for whatever reason, watso simply likes to cycle by himself - no lycra and no fast bikes- even though watso has a good collection of fast bikes (yep - free kerbside bikes- but watso did pay $40 for an avanti bike at a garage sale - seriously, that was a waste, as the bike is still in the shed)

    it is great that seniors have some cycling group - anything which encourages cycling is a positive... watso might join them one day - but in the meantime, watso is very happy to do solo cycling - with no lycra, no helmut and only thongs - and on an old bike, with wide tyres.

    an old, heavy bike, with wide tyres, is the exact bike that is needed for people wanting to lose weight. indeed, going for a bike ride, then a wide tyre (old bike), with a bit of thread is better than a road bike - the thin tyres (damn it - we have to use american spelling) of a road bike are far more suspectable (???) to punctures
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