Take this with a grain of salt, but where there is smoke there...

  1. 2,852 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    Take this with a grain of salt, but where there is smoke there is fire........Israeli F-35 was leaving Jordanian airspace was shot down by the Russian Air Force.”


    From a very high level intel source.

    In Asia.

    NOT Russia-China.

    Although the strategic partnership, of course, exchanges at the highest level 24-7.

    Confirmed and re-confirmed.

    It will be great to know what Sy Hersh hears from his Beltway sources.

    Here we go.

    Israel initially chose to respond with extreme force.

    An F-35 loaded with a nuclear bomb was sent east over Jordan.

    The mission: cause a high-altitude detonation over Iran that would provoke a surge in the high-capacity power lines, crippling Iran's electric grid, as well as disabling all electronic devices.

    An EMP attack.


    ... As the Israeli F-35 was leaving Jordanian airspace it was shot down by the Russian Air Force.

    Hence the publicised version of the Israeli counter response was such a travesty.

    In the end all sides decided not to publicise the real news - to de-escalate what could well turn into WWIII.
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