Should criminals fear the law?, page-2

  1. 6,694 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 20
    Firstly these young criminals have no respect for the law and other peoples lives or property.

    When a young person reaches a certain age and a parent wants help with them the police say they are classed as an adult so we can't help you.
    Then that young person is classed as a juvenile when caught and gets put in their parents care which have no authority over them as a parent, figure that one out.

    Under a certain age if they offend twice make the parents wear some of the punishment handed down.
    Over that age the offender gets the punishment to the law not the judge.

    These young offenders have had no control from a very young age and the parents must wear a lot of the responsibility for how they have been raised.

    There was something on the tele last night about a young person who committed a serious crime and while on bail committed another serious crime, for which the police charged that person with murder.
    He was released on bail again and committed another serious crime.

    How does all that happen, the law is failing the innocent victims here that have died because of someone that should have been in custody or somewhere.

    Qld is a pure example of failing to address anything, and is on full display in recent months.
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