The Country Liberal Party has pledged to establish a comprehensive set of initiatives as part of its crime action plan that will reform corrections in the NT if it wins the election, including boot camps for youth and compulsory community service.

The CLP’s Plan includes:

  • Two new purpose-built women’s prisons in Alice Springs and Darwin
  • $10 million for two new adult prisoner work camps
  • A New Work in the Community Home Detention program
  • $5 million Sentenced to a Skill program
  • Compulsory alcohol, drug and behavioral change rehabilitation for related offences for sentences more than three months
  • Creation of a standalone Corrections agency, which will include youth justice
  • Boost Sentenced to a Job program
  • Compulsory Community Service for youth offenders
  • Two Youth Boot Camps located in Darwin and Alice Springs
  • A commitment that all future prisons will be built at Holtze

“The CLP will fast-track the scope and design work of the two new women’s prisons so that construction can commence urgently,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.