The Atheist and the little girl, page-2

  1. 44,246 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2012
    the cow excretes a flat patty and the horse produces dumps.

    A cow excretes a 'flat patty'(?) WTF!?!?! A horse produces 'dumps'(?)
    Whoever wrote that sheet has never spent any time on a farm & they are the ones that don't know sheet....

    In any case, all 3 of the animals cited have different digestive systems.....

    Pro-religionist propaganda masquerading as humour.

    Do Deer just eat grass(?)
    Deer are herbivores which means they eat plants, fruits, acorns, and nuts when they are available. In the fall when these things are more scarce they will switch to eating grass and evergreen plants. In the winder they eat whatever food is available such as fallen leaves, twigs, bushes, and other woody plants.
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