brazil says - no police coverup in london

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    By Kirsten Aiken in London

    Brazil's ambassador to the UK says he does not believe British police tried to cover up the wrongful shooting of 27-year-old Jean Charles de Menezes on an Underground train last month.

    Police say Mr de Menezes was shot and killed after he was mistaken for a would-be-suicide bomber.

    There has been mounting pressure for the chief of Britain's police force, Sir Ian Blair, to explain discrepancies between the initial police account of the shooting and eyewitness reports given to the body investigating the fatal case of mistaken identity, the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

    The family of the dead man has accused police of subverting the course of the investigation but after a meeting between the police and their Brazilian counterparts, Brazil's ambassador to the UK said allegations of a cover-up were unfounded.

    A coronial inquest into Mr de Menezes's death has been adjourned until early next year.

    Dave R.
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