Yes, over immigration started with the Keating Prime...

  1. 8,129 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 34
    Yes, over immigration started with the Keating Prime Ministership and perpetuated by all in the Elitist Political Club.

    RBA and corporate induced inflation - RBA yes, corporate no. Inflation is driven mainly by Energy prices, namely oil and the destruction of fossil fuel generated electricity, namely coal, with no real alternative as a replacement, namely U308.

    fair enough the current immigration level is unsustainable - Stupidly unsustainable as governments are not increasing spend on infrastructure to handle the rapid population increase. All eyes on our friends down in Vic. to see how that works out.

    and is not supposed to be sustained - Nothing more permanent then a temporary government measure, they'll use fixing immigration as another Lie going into the next election.

    A falling AUD obviously puts pressure on inflation too but it's also putting pressure on the Big 4 Banks too as they get a lot of their funding for home mortgages from OS.
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