I appreciate your candour Taurisk and understand your view. I...

  1. 10,759 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    I appreciate your candour Taurisk and understand your view. I once thought much the same too, until I started researching the subject some 16 years ago after seeing a family member injured from vaccination. In fact virtually all of the so-called anti-vaxxers were once pro-vaxxers until either their own child or a family member become vaccine injured and instead of being listened to were condescended, or ignored, by the medical community and shunned by the media, govt and even friends etc.

    It comes down to the right of informed consent for a medical procedure (without coercion as per the Nuremberg Code) and where ever their is risk their must be choice. Unfortunately our doctors are not trained to explain the risks of each vaccine and most have never even read a vaccine insert or know what the ingredients are in a vaccine (a question that we are not allowed to know, even though every food item has to labelled with all ingredients). So it is a fundamental right to decide what is injected into us and also our children. Respect your daughters decision for the health of her children. I'm sure she has spent a great deal of time and effort researching this vital health decision herself (and is willing to forgo govt benefits for the health of her children).

    As for expecting parents/grandparents, they should watch this recent eye-opening presentation on fraudulently claimed vaccine safety and effectiveness, read the vaccine package inserts and the information that authorities are keeping from the public and also check out the ingredients in vaccines BEFORE allowing their child to be injected with ANY vaccine.

    This easy to read book summarizes 400 important scientific studies Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies and is the most comprehensive and coherent accumulation of peer-reviewed research on vaccine issues and natural immunity that really is a must read for parents, teachers, doctors and healthcare providers.

    Then do your own further independent research so that you’ll be in a position to make an informed decision about what is injected into your body and that of your family.
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