[IMG] Abbott to launch book that goes bang [IMG] Andrew Bolt,...

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    Abbott to launch book that goes bang

    Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun
    43 minutes ago

    Tony Abbott is about to launch a book of essays on conservatism - Making Australia Right. His pushing of this book will make its message even more of a problem for the Liberals, who need to heed its message: change or die. And for heaven's sake, fight!  
    The launch details:
    A new book, to be launched on February 23 by Tony Abbott, features essays from Judith Sloan, Brendan O’Neill, Gary Johns, Jim Molan, Rebecca Weisser, Graeme Haycroft, James Allan, Kerryn Pholi, Jeremy Sammut, Lorraine Finlay, Peter Kurti, Steven Kates and Alan Moran...
    If you would like to attend the launch, send an email to ConnorCourt at [email protected]

    Order the book here.
    And here is some of Roger Franklin's call to arms, probably the book's most stirring essay:
    Late one evening toward the end of August, 2016, after a galling day and in no mood to put up with further irritation, I turned on the telly to be confronted by the alarming spectacle of two young and naked men copulating with each other and, simultaneously, a chimpanzee. The ABC’s costumers – it was an ABC show, of course it was – had done a fine job with the chimp, for it took a long and hard second look to be assured it was actually some small sort of person suited-up in simian drag....
    This particular programme, a hip-dude local production billed as Soul Mates, sought to shock and nothing more... The very idea that it was being broadcast at all, let alone underwritten by Australia’s taxpayers, well that must have been the joke – if a slap to the face can ever be described as a joke.
    And a slap it was, delivered from a position of arrogant, unassailable authority... Neither clever nor funny and most definitely not in accord with its Charter, how had the ABC come to air this sophomoric assault on good taste? The answer is simple: because it could do so without fear of recrimination and with utter disregard for the inevitable objections. Not so long ago another alleged comedy show depicted a conservative columnist in flagrante delicto with a dog. No one was fired, despite the incident resulting in a belated apology and substantial pay-out; indeed the program’s producers have kept right on landing contracts to churn out more of the only slightly less offensive same. Chimp-buggering and dog-bothering — this is what we get, I thought, after decades of ceding our public institutions and instrumentalities to a small, tight class consisting entirely of the insistently and incestuously self-pleasuring. We pay, they play — and don’t for a moment kid yourself that the slightest attention will ever be paid to public outrage, no matter how heated or widespread.
    At that moment disgust took charge – disgust with the ABC certainly, but more than that, disgust with conservatives for our supine acceptance of the left’s control of budgets, culture and the public pulpit.
    And it isn’t just the ABC. We grumble and tell each other how wicked it is that a race commissioner pimps for public complaints in order harass a newspaper cartoonist who has dared to address a theme he would prefer to see left unexplored, but we do nothing to demand reform or, better yet, to scuttle the Human Rights Commission’s crew of hacks, liars and business-class jet-abouts. And sure, we notice TV ads depicting domestic violence as the sole province of white men and boys, and we share the truth amongst ourselves that if you lay the census maps charting Indigenous populations on top of those for regional crime, the overlap would make it impossible not to conclude that domestic violence is overwhelmingly an Aboriginal vice. Yet we do nothing (except mutter and grumble) while the producers of such ads feather their nests with the next grant, the next production contract, the next job lot of appointments for mates and mentors..
    Where is the cry that Australia’s bloated, bureaucrat-beset tertiary institutions need desperately to be reformed? Degrees in lesbian calligraphy are all very well good, but an emphasis on hard science would be of more use, and do more good, for the nation’s future...
    The galloping passivity of conservatives, elected and otherwise, it galls and appalls. At Quadrant Online, for example, I must regularly spike essays I would dearly like to publish for fear of writs and “lawfare”. Yes, we’d likely win those battles, but the cost of fighting them would be to lose in and of itself. Are there no conservative lawyers out there, lawyers who believe in freedom of speech and are prepared to back their convictions with a few pro bono hours?...
    Perhaps it is too late in Australia, where so much ground has been surrendered and there remains precious little left to defend. Our alleged conservative champions are playing of us for suckers, folks. If they weren’t, well let’s just say that Bill Leak could draw his cartoons without keeping an attorney’s business card handy. As to evening viewing, we would see fewer fornicating chimps on the ABC.
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