Duh! Malcolm Turnbull adding another line to his job...

  1. Enn
    1,463 Posts.
    Duh! Malcolm Turnbull adding another line to his job application. He will say whatever he thinks the most people want to hear in order to increase his own popularity.

    This gives a perfect example of what we could expect if Mr Turnbull were to be PM. He would, as many of us have already asserted, side with Labor over much: we would have an ETS or a return to the carbon tax as fast as he could organise it, and he'd encourage the appointment of more people like Ms Triggs.

    Before the Left go on whining about children in detention, remember it was your side that racked up about 2000 of them there.
    And how about levelling some of the blame on the parents who put little kids on crap boats, knowingly risking their lives, rather than apply to come here through official channels?
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