Well... It depends if you are classifed as a refugee your...

  1. 2,055 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    It depends

    if you are classifed as a refugee your judgement seems to be correct


    If you are a hard working smart African, and you cannot pass part 2 (only) of the 4 parts of the IELTS test set in Cambridge University inthe UK [because people in Australia cannot speak the Queens Engish velli well enough] then you are wrong.

    There are many Africans who are smart, who are offered jobs in Australia, who satisfy every other criteria but managing to understand what 2 people, who they cannot see, and whom they cannot hear properly because they are in a room with inadequate audio (you would not buy from Harvey Normans in a sale) and they speak tooooo fast, and whom speak in a Welsh Dialect (as it is not too far from Cambridge). It is of course an eminently practical test, as the UK Cambridge University attest to on their web site, and the Australian Government buys into. Unchallenged. Not accountable.

    So to put the record straight, the Australian Government outsources its key english assesmment (which defends out borders) to old blighty, and perhaps we or thy consider that it is because we have made such a mess of english that we cannot be trusted. Bugger!

    Our patheticness invites a cancer which arrived may decades ago....its called apathy, its called being uninformed, >>>>> its the prawn on the BBQ....
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