Unsuitable 'blanket statement' title now moderated., page-182

  1. 9,046 Posts.
    Fair enough for the feral women - they should have been sterilised at the birth of their second.....And their male companion grabbed for the same result. Not like they will ever contribute anything...They won't.......For the pensioners in the $2mil home.....good for them....They most likely paid taxes their entire working lives.....which is more than some recent groups of migrants will ever do....Those pensioners can enjoy their home and at that price it is likely close to medical and shopping facilities.....So an ideal location to spend their golden years. Good for them and they should stay there and eventually when they pass away hand the proceeds to their children......Not to the government - to waste on useless ingrates.....No, to their very own children.....As it should be.....
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