VIC Labor, Andrews lost $3.5b gaming scandal, page-32

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Towie - someone I know got a relatively solid compo pay-out from Victorian taxpayer monies, in recompense for the huge "inconvenience" and worry of this North-South Pipeline having to cut through his property - and good for him - HE's suffered dreadfully - lost all - in susequent Black Saturday fires - he's now left with a swathe of virtually useless chopped up land where pipe was to go.

    Yet another back of envelope "hey, this'll win us an election" Victorian Labor "brain-wave - which had dangerous convoys of trucks thundering, often far too fast, ignring speed limits, through narrow, windy, mountain roads - all day every day - for months - filling homes with dust - carting "stuff" - and returning empty - through various small towns (which suffering towns endured noise and dust and attached increased road dangers - now, all for naught.) Same small towns which later burnt on Black Saturday, where residents, including children and babies - died ghastly deaths - (whilst various "Neros" fiddled! - yes, and under so-called "leadership" found to be, allegedly, greatly wanting as (allelgedly) atrociously "administered" that day from then Labor Premier Brumby and his Police Chief Christine Nixon (a Labor choice)..

    Nixon, post fires, was later appointed by Brumby as the "overseer" and administrator of the post fires recovery efforts. Now, how's THAT fo sheer irony!

    Must go, as my language is about to deteriorate! Badly!

    Oh. and PS:-

    BIG TV cover tomorrow night after 6pm news - Mr. Andrew's father, promos tell us, is very very ill. We are to hear the details publicised in a current affiars TV piece. I am very sorry to hear this.


    today, it leaked out - that Mr. Napthine also has a serious close family member's illness to contend with - nothing's been said - until now. Wonder whether we would have known of it/heard of this - at all? - had someone not leaked it this weekend?

    We see the same with the passing of Mr. Whitlam. ABC drum, banged all day. In the process, they perpatuated sheer lies. About things Mr. Whitlam did (they and old Labor leaders say). Things which he did not do, at all. Menzies and other Liberal leaders did them.

    Truth is so often the victim - when it comes to good old ABC - and the Labor lying brigade. And their nation wide Leftist media mates.

    ABC adoration of Gough - went on all day. Must have played "the dismissal" 80 times -

    hope they remember when any of the LNP's leaders pass on. But they can't even SPELL "balance". They must think it's Labor's 'BALLAST!' they have to adore.

    Never forget - we pay for the rubbish ABC dredges up - day in and day out. Open slather for them - Leftist propaganda - via OUR open cheque book! and note Charlie Pickering now going over there - another in the queque (couldn't he get something else? he thinks he's SO brilliant - being ex. The Project? another Leftie production!) - no, he too will be sucking at the ABC teat! He has the required sneer - and lip curl. And entrenched Leftist. I'll llege his CV revealed.. Should do well. at our expense.

    NB ABC - take off Chasers' rot - this "Media Circus" - aren't even a FEW of you - totally embarrassed - it's so AWFUL! Dying on its feet!

    ABC - what? All Bloody Commos?

    Do I sound "nasty". Well, I can tell you now, "nice" is NOT going to save Australia. Not from this Politically Correct disease - now rampant. Not from this Stupid GREEn movement - this rot now turning into a religious adoration - entirely illogical ideas. And not the march of radical Islam - dubbed "the greatest threat to World Peace since the Cold War" by (the now famous - 24 hourl;y body-guarded heroine Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali - and she should know! Having been brought up under the veil - pious - and submissive - as required - then - but luckily she had a brain - it got into gear - and she bolted for freedom - she saw the light!

    (Read her books - 1. "Infidel" and 2. "Nomad". Pub. Harper Collins - Fourth Estate. Hair stand on end stuff! Should be mandatory reading in all Western High Schools and Universities.) Better to know something about what it is we're really facing. Than just mincing around - being "nice!". Scott Morrison should read them. Julie Bishop should read them. Tony Abbott should read them. All "moderate" Muslims should read them. (And why are THEY so quiet?) Leftists. I'll bet, will never read them. Can't handle some harsh, actual truths.

    Placation gets them votes. That's all Labor are for. One eye on the next election. Their entire 'raison d'etre'!
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