WITNESS Of all the witnesses that saw the shooter, only one knew...

  1. 8,148 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    WITNESS Of all the witnesses that saw the shooter, only one knew Martin Bryant from before. That was Jim Laycock, the former owner of the Broad Arrow Café. He not only knew Bryant, but also where he used sit in the Broad Arrow and what he used to drink and the conversations he used to have with his daughter. So what did Laycock say about his identification of the shooter?: “I did not recognize the male [shooter] as Martin Bryant.”226 Wouldn’ t it be interesting to hear that evidence in court! Imagine the only person who knew Bryant from before the massacre saying that he didn’ t recognize the shooter as Martin Bryant. Of course, we will never get to hear that evidence, not only because the government will never have an inquiry, but more importantly because Mr. Laycock is now deceased. Reminds me of so many of the key witnesses around the Kennedy assassination ending up deceased, perhaps this is just one more of those unusual similarities between the Port Arthur Massacre and the JFK assassination.
    All of it. Worth a read in my opinion;
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