what happened to Google?, page-27

  1. 43,599 Posts.
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    From an aggregation site: source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ixquick#Startpage.com

    "Ixquick was awarded the first European Privacy Seal (EuroPriSe) for its privacy practices on July 14, 2008.[11] This European Union-sponsored initiative guarantees compliance with EU laws and regulations on data security and privacy, through a series of design and technical audits.[12] It was re-certified together with Startpage in 2009, 2011 and 2013.[13]"

    "On July 7, 2009 Ixquick launched Startpage.com to offer its service at a URL that is both easier to remember and spell, and in contrast to ixquick.com, fetches results from the Google search engine.[18] This is done without saving the users' IP addresses or giving any personal user information to Google's servers."
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