What is Bernardi's purpose ?, page-2

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Hi Kingpins, you see it in terms of the ultra conservatives wanting to displace Turnbull and putting Abbott back.

    You simply cannot envisage that all that will do is create the same problem that already exists but possibly to a larger extent. That is, angry members from the moderate section of the Liberal MPs who would be disloyal to any new incumbent. In the meantime the public would be disgusted with a govt that did not learn the lessons of the past in terms of changing PMs and Labor would be elected in the largest landslide in its history. Labor appears to have learnt its lessons re leadership instability.

    The libs have got to soldier on imo and win back some of the shortfall in their vote. The only way to do that is to forget the politics and govern well. The real reason the govt is struggling is because it looks beaten. As Hairy says, not seen to be doing anything in a changing world environment. Whatever, one thought of the Trans Pacific Partnership Trump has killed it, so now the govt and its bureaucracy should be working flat out to engage in deals in our best interests with whatever countries around the globe. They need to be promoting exports as that will help provide jobs and growth. The 457 visa system should possibly be cut right back while we have the transition to our economy whereby workers are having to move to part time instead of full time work and some to no work at all. The migration agents are probably making a packet out of these visas and it seems to be out of control. Get it back under control.

    The govt should be doing real things, that are hard yakka, but to the public it looks like a stalemate with not much happening.

    The fringe parties fiddle with prejudice issues but for the great majority of Australians when push comes to shove its the bread and butter issues that will over-ride all else. Thats where the focus has got to be instead of elsewhere.
    Last edited by eagle888: 06/02/17
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