what's with all the drug crazed violence of late, page-149

  1. 43,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Where to start?
    "The wives of the many thousands of husbands drinking yelling and screaming and sometimes smashing their heads into walls might beg to differ with you on the situation." - yes, that would be a crime, please re-read my post

    "But then again, I know you conservatives are uncomfortable talking about domestic violence" - pathetic assumptions in so many ways

    " as long as we target crime, the government has no business is what anyone decides to put into their bodies, right" - got that one right. What you do in the comfort of your own home, as long as it does not harm anybody else, is no concern of mine and it shouldn't be of the govts. Small govt, treat people like adults.
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