You've probably heard the term "Paleo" thrown around and have...

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    You've probably heard the term "Paleo" thrown around and have seen recipes  with "Paleo" in the name.

    Also known as the caveman diet, Paleo simply refers to cutting out grains, sugars, and other toxins in favor of eating whole foods.  So it’s really not a “diet” at all, it's simply how humans were supposed to eat before our food supply was polluted by processed and refined foods.

    There is quite a bit of science that backs up this way of eating, in addition to the dramatic weight loss transformations that those who adhere to the diet experience.

    Here are 5 Reasons Why Eating Paleo Works:

    Reason #1: There is a complete absence of stroke and heart disease in an Islander population whose diet was dominated by fruit, fish and coconut - the essence of eating Paleo.

    Reason #2: Consuming medium chain triglycerides (common in Paleo foods) increases energy relative to consuming long chain triglycerides (found in processed foods).

    Reason #3: The Paleo diet eliminates grains that have become a dominant staple in our diet despite providing little to no nutritional value, and thus eliminates the empty calories that cause weight gain.

    Reason #4: Metabolic disorders (type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, hypertension and obesity) are an epidemic in Western civilizations (where grains, sugar, and refined foods are commonplace) while hunter-gatherer societies rarely if ever suffer from any of these diseases.

    Reason #5: Paleo foods are high in multi chain triglycerides, which improves good cholesterol, reduces bad cholesterol, and even reduces risk of heart disease.

    And that’s just scratching the surface of why eating Paleo is a solid plan for weight loss, longevity and health.
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