Why is the ALP irrelevant?, page-9

  1. 18,561 Posts.
    A completely irrelevant point
    Even Insiders all agreed that Labor had no real interest in farmers - they don't vote Labor

    Once Labor knew that they were going to lose on ABCC they dropped debating it and move all of their effort onto BP Tax purely to try to embarrass the gov.

    Anybody who watched Shorten smirking and misreprenting the Farmers Federation at QT knows that at that stage they were simply being opportunistic, making it impossible for the gov to accept the Lambie 10%position (never really Labor's)
    Labor dealt themselves out over a minor difference and the Greens were tagging along being completely ignored until they desperately compromised for a few pennies - getting back a fraction of the $450m cuts imposed in 2014.
    How do the Greens justify opposing a bill for weeks and then capitulating? The bill is either worthy or it isn't. What little they got just shows that they have no principals when it matters. They desperately crave relevance.
    Could you imagine how gracious the Labor party would have been if the gov had folded on their Lambie option?

    Shorten lost every big moment last week and Pliberseck and Albenese will not let that go unnoticed
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