Wilke, page-12

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Labor and Wilkie and Bandt - seem to expect our Government to come to some instant, whizz kid, snatch some figures out of thin air - that'll sound good - instant solving of this immense problem - (Which is hardly OUR fault - has been years, in the making - and from what "experts" say - will now go on, perhaps for decades - this Syrian Civil War - generaying constant flood of evacuees - to say nothing of the deadly ISIS tentacles - spreding and growing - at the rate of knots - a poisonous monster - no one seems willing to attempt to kill - off - completely -

    here we have yet another example of Labor ad-libbing - and a responsible government - the one we not long ago elected - making careful and considered assessment - of how to best deal with this HUGELY complex situation - treading carefully - doing the most detailed and best informed assessment - of how OUR country is going to proceed. After all, it's OUR money all these do-gooders want to throw around.

    Meanwhile, OUR teenage kids can't get jobs - apprenticeships. The mother of an autistic child in our family had her Carer's Allowance cut off - because her child has turned 16. Nothing has changed. She still has to care for this child - ferry her child to medical appointments, etc. Fund all sorts of additional aids.

    The Wilkies - the Shorten's - the Burnside's of this world - meanwhile, want all these suddenly appeared panicked evacuees - (and this terror they run from emanating mainly THEIR own Muslim "religion's" rule) to come in here, in absolute floods - what, ID's unkown? And be given a loving warm welcome - access to the best of everything - clothing, accomodations, social workers, counselling, protection, education, advice- all kinds of top draer support - food, full welfare cover - medical cover - dental cover - whilst, meawhile, our own- sleep in the freezing cold - out on the bare ashphalt streets? Our single parents battle on - on one wage. Deserted mothers, with little kids - so desperate - they live in the backs of their cars? NO ONE (0f all these bleeding hearts) giving a hoot? Or a damn? IF they are so angelic - let them give up rooms in their own (no doubt very fashionable and large) houses.

    Wilkie up, in Parliament - tried to stop QT - and whines - to Abbott - YOU MUST TAKE 30,000 - immediately. NOW! And Shorten still trying to block the China Free Trade agreement, via some vicious speech, this morning.

    Europe now panicked. Threatening to stop sticking to hastily drawn mandatory quotas - or close down borders, altogether. Riots in Lesbos, now. Middle East can't run itself - many of their own co-Islamist countries won't help - and we in the West get the BILL? The worry, The total social and financial dissensions - and breakdowns? And will continue to do so - what, for decades to come. And this just ONE hot spot. There will be more. If ISIS is not stopped, and fast.

    But perhaps Great Britain should have just sat back. Done nothing. Same for the USA. Yes, just sat back - (in the false hope of "peaceful" and "gentlemanly" solution - and let Hitler and Tojo have their way - take over the world.( Can you imagine the present mayhem - if so?)

    Yes, compassion is called for. But Thank God we have a respoisble and intelligant Government, taking its time, not rushing into rash decisions - sourcing the best opinion and adive - from true experts - consulting overseas, too - not just rushing in feet first with some hasty number - just for the sake of cheap and tawdry political windowdressing - as resorted to, by Labor would bes if they could bes.
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