You guys would be proud of me, page-57

  1. 17,937 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 105
    What a shame some of you have to spoil things for others.

    I could visualise the meeting, and would have been similar to Dex and said something, but not to harrass or annoy.
    That was a great line imo Dex.

    A couple of you either have had a sense of humour transplant, or can't see that it was a statement of respect.
    Please think about what you write before you commit to it, and for members who haven't got anything nice or constructive to say, don't say anything!

    Again, you all know not to discuss moderation on the forum, but once it starts it derails threads, and unfortunately, has caused this one to be closed.
    If you have serious and proper complaints about a post, please click 'report' on the post.
    If it's not actioned by the mods, then they've decided to let it stand as a judgement call, and they are the mediators.

    You can contact support with complaints, but after receiving one and reading this, I can see it could have been a great relaxing thread with a smattering of humour before being spoilt.
    Please consider all your fellow members before going off at the deep end, or posting inappropriately.
  2. This thread is closed.

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