Zoom Zoom Zooomba ! one ball can change it all $$$$, page-73

  1. 5,380 Posts.
    you'll be right ords, my brother has only had one kidney for last 35 odd years, that hasn't been a prob at all really, but sadly his heart and lungs are stuffed now, one lung just collapsed and not looking good atm, so my little op seems pretty small to me in comparison

    Bought a new Harley,,coool push button start even ...whoooeeee !!
    Enjoy mate

    I came very close to buying another cruiser recently but decided i've used up my 9 lives already, so decided against it...

    My old self would be horrified seeing me driving a car instead of bikes lol
    But i'm resting on my laurels now, doesn't mean i don't still love them tho

    Jako, i don't think my gall bladder would be good for much, apparently it's full of stones lol
    Glad your Dad thrived after it, so did mine when he had his too

    Speaking of rockets....

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