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LSF 0.00% $3.10


Do Listed Investment Companies (LICs) offer more opportunities than investors think?... Do Listed Investment Companies (LICs) offer more opportunities than investors think? LIC's have attracted a lot of negative attention. But the sector offers more opportunities for investors, and LIC's management teams than people think. Watch the full story from The Market Herald on how LICs can succeed in 2020 here: https://themarketherald.com.au/do-listed-investment-companies-lics-offer-more-opportunities-than-investors-think-2020-02-05/More

Corporate Spotlight

Do Listed Investment Companies (LICs) offer more opportunities than investors think? LIC's have attracted a lot of negative attention. But the sector offers more opportunities for investors, and LIC's management teams than people think. Watch the full story from The Market Herald.
View the full Corporate Spotlight arrow Created with Sketch.

LIC Panel Video


LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing02/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.65KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E01/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.46KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing01/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.26KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E31/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.35KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing31/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.68KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E28/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.35KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing28/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.49KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E27/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.34KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing27/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.77KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E26/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.36KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing26/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.45KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E25/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.37KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing25/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.84KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E24/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.31KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing24/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.53KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E21/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.34KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing21/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.21KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E20/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.36KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing20/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.61KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E19/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.37KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing19/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.5KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E18/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.38KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing18/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.44KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E17/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.36KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing17/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.41KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E14/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.37KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing14/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.58KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E13/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.4KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing13/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.77KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E12/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.35KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing12/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.37KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E11/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.37KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing11/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.36KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E10/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.38KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing10/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.03KB
LSF Monthly Investor Letter - April 202107/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 619.56KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E07/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing07/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.66KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing06/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.38KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - ML06/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 186.2KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - RL06/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 184.35KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing05/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.42KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing04/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.83KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing03/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.81KB
LSF LSF Investor Webinar Presentation - April 202130/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 1.22MB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing30/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.57KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing29/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.81KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - ML29/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 186.2KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - RL29/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 184.33KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing28/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.51KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing27/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.44KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing26/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.61KB
LSF Cancellation of shares ASIC Form 48423/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 315.54KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing23/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 198.87KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing22/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.58KB
LSF Quarterly Investor Letter - March 202121/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 449.19KB
LSF Capital management and director share trading update21/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 69.77KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E21/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.77KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing21/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.54KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E20/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.79KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing20/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.85KB
LSF LSF Investor Presentation - April 202119/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 1.48MB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E19/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing19/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.34KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E16/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing16/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 198.03KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E15/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.79KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing15/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.47KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E14/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing14/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.71KB
LSF LSF Investor Conference Call Invitation13/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 170.42KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E13/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.78KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing13/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.79KB
LSF Monthly Investment Report March 202112/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 623.65KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E12/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.78KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing12/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.53KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E09/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.83KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing09/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.81KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E08/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.79KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing08/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.78KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E07/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.75KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing07/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.68KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E06/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.77KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing06/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.45KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E01/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.77KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing01/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 200.01KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 198.96KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - RL31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 215.9KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - ML31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 215.75KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - JM31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 150.12KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - HK31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 150.84KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E30/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.78KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing30/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.75KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E29/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.8KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing29/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.02KB
LSF Appendix 2A26/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 227.25KB
LSF Cancellation of shares ASIC Form 48426/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 315.54KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E26/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.78KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing26/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.7KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
02/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.65KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
01/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.46KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
01/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.26KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
31/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.35KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
31/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.68KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
28/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.35KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
28/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.49KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
27/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.34KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
27/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.77KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
26/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.36KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
26/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.45KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
25/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.37KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
25/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.84KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
24/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.31KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
24/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.53KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
21/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.34KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
21/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.21KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
20/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.36KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
20/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.61KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
19/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.37KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
19/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.5KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
18/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.38KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
18/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.44KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
17/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.36KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
17/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.41KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
14/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.37KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
14/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.58KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
13/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.4KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
13/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.77KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
12/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.35KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
12/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.37KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
11/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.37KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
11/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.36KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
10/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 472.38KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
10/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.03KB
LSF Monthly Investor Letter - April 2021
07/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 619.56KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
07/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
07/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.66KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
06/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.38KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - ML
06/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 186.2KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - RL
06/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 184.35KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
05/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.42KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
04/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.83KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
03/05/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.81KB
LSF LSF Investor Webinar Presentation - April 2021
30/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 1.22MB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
30/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.57KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
29/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.81KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - ML
29/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 186.2KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - RL
29/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 184.33KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
28/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.51KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
27/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.44KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
26/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.61KB
LSF Cancellation of shares ASIC Form 484
23/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 315.54KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
23/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 198.87KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
22/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.58KB
LSF Quarterly Investor Letter - March 2021
21/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 449.19KB
LSF Capital management and director share trading update
21/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 69.77KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
21/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.77KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
21/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.54KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
20/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.79KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
20/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.85KB
LSF LSF Investor Presentation - April 2021
19/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 1.48MB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
19/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
19/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.34KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
16/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
16/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 198.03KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
15/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.79KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
15/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.47KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
14/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
14/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.71KB
LSF LSF Investor Conference Call Invitation
13/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 170.42KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
13/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.78KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
13/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.79KB
LSF Monthly Investment Report March 2021
12/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 623.65KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
12/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.78KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
12/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.53KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
09/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.83KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
09/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.81KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
08/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.79KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
08/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.78KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
07/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.75KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
07/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.68KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
06/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.77KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
06/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.45KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
01/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.77KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
01/04/21 download Created with Sketch. 200.01KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.76KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 198.96KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - RL
31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 215.9KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - ML
31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 215.75KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - JM
31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 150.12KB
LSF Change of Director's Interest Notice - HK
31/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 150.84KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
30/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.78KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
30/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.75KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
29/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.8KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
29/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.02KB
LSF Appendix 2A
26/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 227.25KB
LSF Cancellation of shares ASIC Form 484
26/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 315.54KB
LSF Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E
26/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 471.78KB
LSF Net Tangible Asset Backing
26/03/21 download Created with Sketch. 199.7KB
(20min delay)
Mkt cap ! $1.929B
Open High Low Value Volume
$3.12 $3.14 $3.10 $729.9K 233.9K

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4 30817 $3.09

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$3.13 4616 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 03/07/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
0.000 ( 0.32 %)
Open High Low Volume
$3.11 $3.13 $3.10 21198
Last updated 15.59pm 03/07/2024 ?
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