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MAA Monthly Update - July 202211/08/22 download Created with Sketch. 230.85KB
MAA July 2022 - Units on Issue and Redemptions05/08/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.95KB
MAA July 2022 - Prime Brokerage Disclosure05/08/22 download Created with Sketch. 354.05KB
MAA Distribution Update - June 2022 Quarter11/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 281.8KB
MAA Monthly Update - June 202211/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 272.79KB
MAA June 2022 - Prime Brokerage Disclosure07/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 353.37KB
MAA June 2022 - Units on Issue and Redemptions07/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.59KB
MAA Target Market Determination (TMD)04/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 417.23KB
MAA June 2022 Quarter Distribution and TimetablePRICE SENSITIVE27/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 340.07KB
MAA Monthly Update - May 202217/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 421.22KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - May 202206/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 353.96KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - May 2206/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.75KB
MAA Product Disclosure Statement - Monash Absolute Active Trust31/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 596.12KB
MAA Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure - 31 March 202231/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 283.5KB
MAA Monthly Update - April 202212/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 239.1KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - April 202204/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 352.55KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - April 202204/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 337.75KB
MAA Monthly Update - March 202220/04/22 download Created with Sketch. 286.68KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - March 202206/04/22 download Created with Sketch. 353.57KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - March 202206/04/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.4KB
MAA Half Year ended 31 December 2021 Interim Report31/03/22 download Created with Sketch. 746.54KB
MAA March 2022 Quarter Distribution and TimetablePRICE SENSITIVE28/03/22 download Created with Sketch. 340.05KB
MAA Monthly Update - February 202211/03/22 download Created with Sketch. 270.99KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - February 202207/03/22 download Created with Sketch. 337.63KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - February 202207/03/22 download Created with Sketch. 352.43KB
MAA Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure - 31 December 202128/02/22 download Created with Sketch. 293.34KB
MAA Monthly Update - January 202208/02/22 download Created with Sketch. 269.73KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - January 202207/02/22 download Created with Sketch. 353.85KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - January 202207/02/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.7KB
MAA Monthly Update - December 202124/01/22 download Created with Sketch. 293.43KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - December 202110/01/22 download Created with Sketch. 287.51KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - December 202107/01/22 download Created with Sketch. 301.41KB
MAA December 2021 Quarter Distribution and timetablePRICE SENSITIVE13/12/21 download Created with Sketch. 288.1KB
MAA Monthly Update - November 202110/12/21 download Created with Sketch. 368.19KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - November 202107/12/21 download Created with Sketch. 287.25KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - November 202107/12/21 download Created with Sketch. 301.59KB
MAA Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure - 30 September 202130/11/21 download Created with Sketch. 297.54KB
MAA Monthly Update - October 202104/11/21 download Created with Sketch. 444.8KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - October 202104/11/21 download Created with Sketch. 301.98KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - October 202104/11/21 download Created with Sketch. 287.8KB
MAA Monthly Update - September 202114/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 441.54KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - September 202107/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 297.29KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - September 202107/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 287.55KB
MAA 2021 Annual Report06/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 826.07KB
MAA Target Market Determination06/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 409.45KB
MAA Distribution - September 2021 QuarterPRICE SENSITIVE29/09/21 download Created with Sketch. 287.79KB
MAA Monash Investors - Post Reporting Season Update16/09/21 download Created with Sketch. 806.65KB
MAA Monthly Update - August 202107/09/21 download Created with Sketch. 571.69KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - August 202107/09/21 download Created with Sketch. 302.38KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - August 202107/09/21 download Created with Sketch. 292.46KB
MAA Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure - 30 June 202131/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 287.12KB
MAA Register for Investment Update Webinar - 9 September25/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 360.29KB
MAA MAAT Fund Update - July 202106/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 925.12KB
MAA July 2021 - Prime Brokerage Disclosure06/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 302.39KB
MAA July 2021 - Units on Issue and Net Redemptions06/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 292.94KB
MAA MAAT Fund Update - June 202107/07/21 download Created with Sketch. 550.01KB
MAA June 2021 - Prime Brokerage Disclosure07/07/21 download Created with Sketch. 302.15KB
MAA June 2021 - Units on Issue and Net Redemptions07/07/21 download Created with Sketch. 292.14KB
MAA Dividend DetailsPRICE SENSITIVE01/07/21 download Created with Sketch. 289.69KB
MAA Distribution Estimate - June 2021 and Information on MA1 NTAPRICE SENSITIVE24/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 309.1KB
MAA MA1 in-specie distribution of units in MAAT10/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 514.14KB
MAA Product Disclosure Document - Monash Absolute Active Trust10/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 939.51KB
MAA Admission and Commencement of Quotation10/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 457.09KB
MAA Monthly Update - July 2022
11/08/22 download Created with Sketch. 230.85KB
MAA July 2022 - Units on Issue and Redemptions
05/08/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.95KB
MAA July 2022 - Prime Brokerage Disclosure
05/08/22 download Created with Sketch. 354.05KB
MAA Distribution Update - June 2022 Quarter
11/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 281.8KB
MAA Monthly Update - June 2022
11/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 272.79KB
MAA June 2022 - Prime Brokerage Disclosure
07/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 353.37KB
MAA June 2022 - Units on Issue and Redemptions
07/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.59KB
MAA Target Market Determination (TMD)
04/07/22 download Created with Sketch. 417.23KB
MAA June 2022 Quarter Distribution and Timetable
27/06/22PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 340.07KB
MAA Monthly Update - May 2022
17/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 421.22KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - May 2022
06/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 353.96KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - May 22
06/06/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.75KB
MAA Product Disclosure Statement - Monash Absolute Active Trust
31/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 596.12KB
MAA Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure - 31 March 2022
31/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 283.5KB
MAA Monthly Update - April 2022
12/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 239.1KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - April 2022
04/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 352.55KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - April 2022
04/05/22 download Created with Sketch. 337.75KB
MAA Monthly Update - March 2022
20/04/22 download Created with Sketch. 286.68KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - March 2022
06/04/22 download Created with Sketch. 353.57KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - March 2022
06/04/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.4KB
MAA Half Year ended 31 December 2021 Interim Report
31/03/22 download Created with Sketch. 746.54KB
MAA March 2022 Quarter Distribution and Timetable
28/03/22PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 340.05KB
MAA Monthly Update - February 2022
11/03/22 download Created with Sketch. 270.99KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - February 2022
07/03/22 download Created with Sketch. 337.63KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - February 2022
07/03/22 download Created with Sketch. 352.43KB
MAA Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure - 31 December 2021
28/02/22 download Created with Sketch. 293.34KB
MAA Monthly Update - January 2022
08/02/22 download Created with Sketch. 269.73KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - January 2022
07/02/22 download Created with Sketch. 353.85KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - January 2022
07/02/22 download Created with Sketch. 338.7KB
MAA Monthly Update - December 2021
24/01/22 download Created with Sketch. 293.43KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - December 2021
10/01/22 download Created with Sketch. 287.51KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - December 2021
07/01/22 download Created with Sketch. 301.41KB
MAA December 2021 Quarter Distribution and timetable
13/12/21PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 288.1KB
MAA Monthly Update - November 2021
10/12/21 download Created with Sketch. 368.19KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - November 2021
07/12/21 download Created with Sketch. 287.25KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - November 2021
07/12/21 download Created with Sketch. 301.59KB
MAA Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure - 30 September 2021
30/11/21 download Created with Sketch. 297.54KB
MAA Monthly Update - October 2021
04/11/21 download Created with Sketch. 444.8KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - October 2021
04/11/21 download Created with Sketch. 301.98KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - October 2021
04/11/21 download Created with Sketch. 287.8KB
MAA Monthly Update - September 2021
14/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 441.54KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - September 2021
07/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 297.29KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - September 2021
07/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 287.55KB
MAA 2021 Annual Report
06/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 826.07KB
MAA Target Market Determination
06/10/21 download Created with Sketch. 409.45KB
MAA Distribution - September 2021 Quarter
29/09/21PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 287.79KB
MAA Monash Investors - Post Reporting Season Update
16/09/21 download Created with Sketch. 806.65KB
MAA Monthly Update - August 2021
07/09/21 download Created with Sketch. 571.69KB
MAA Prime Brokerage Disclosure - August 2021
07/09/21 download Created with Sketch. 302.38KB
MAA Units on Issue and Redemptions - August 2021
07/09/21 download Created with Sketch. 292.46KB
MAA Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure - 30 June 2021
31/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 287.12KB
MAA Register for Investment Update Webinar - 9 September
25/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 360.29KB
MAA MAAT Fund Update - July 2021
06/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 925.12KB
MAA July 2021 - Prime Brokerage Disclosure
06/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 302.39KB
MAA July 2021 - Units on Issue and Net Redemptions
06/08/21 download Created with Sketch. 292.94KB
MAA MAAT Fund Update - June 2021
07/07/21 download Created with Sketch. 550.01KB
MAA June 2021 - Prime Brokerage Disclosure
07/07/21 download Created with Sketch. 302.15KB
MAA June 2021 - Units on Issue and Net Redemptions
07/07/21 download Created with Sketch. 292.14KB
MAA Dividend Details
01/07/21PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 289.69KB
MAA Distribution Estimate - June 2021 and Information on MA1 NTA
24/06/21PRICE SENSITIVE download Created with Sketch. 309.1KB
MAA MA1 in-specie distribution of units in MAAT
10/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 514.14KB
MAA Product Disclosure Document - Monash Absolute Active Trust
10/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 939.51KB
MAA Admission and Commencement of Quotation
10/06/21 download Created with Sketch. 457.09KB
arrow-down-2 Created with Sketch. arrow-down-2 Created with Sketch.