Pioneer Lithium Limited is an Australia-based exploration company, spearheading lithium...Pioneer Lithium Limited is an Australia-based exploration company, spearheading lithium exploration and development within Canada. The Company's projects extend across the provinces of Ontario and Quebec with a 90% interest in the Root Lake Project, 100% interest in the Lauri Lake Project and 100% interest in the LaGrande Project in Quebec. The Root Lake Project is some 1,927 hectares (ha) located approximately 100 kilometers (km) north of the town of Sioux Lookout. The Lauri Lake Project is some 10,646ha located approximately 50 km east of the town of Longlac and 70km east of the towns of Geraldton and Macleod. The LaGrande Project is three areas, LaGrande-Quatre West, LaGrande-Quatre East and LaGrande-River covering some 4,688ha located approximately 100-175km east of the town of Radisson. The Benham Lithium Project comprises 30 claims totalling approximately 1,245ha, located immediately south of the boundary between the Winnipeg River and Western Wabigoon.More