Trinex Minerals Limited is an Australia-based resources company exploring for critical...Trinex Minerals Limited is an Australia-based resources company exploring for critical minerals. The Company holds several energy minerals projects in Canada, including lithium focused projects in the Northwest Territories, and an option to earn up to 75% in the Gibbons Creek Uranium Project in Saskatchewan. In Australia, the Company holds a base metals resource at its Mt Hardy Project in the Northern Territory, and several projects in Western Australia and South Australia. Its Canadian projects include Ross Lake Lithium Project, Halo-Yuri Lithium Project, And Mac Lithium Project. The Company's Australian projects include Mount Hardy Zinc-Copper Project, Pingrup Nickel-Copper-Pge-Ree Project, Tapanappa Base Metal Project, and Berkshire Valley Nickel-Copper Project. The Mount Hardy Project is located on the Tanami Highway, 300 kilometers (km) north-west of Alice Springs. The Ross Lake Lithium Project is a single claim situated approximately 70 kilometers east-northeast of Yellowknife.More