7.30 report and objectivity, page-115

  1. 12,609 Posts.
    Really, is it any surprise that they think the ABC is so left wing?

    Let's face it, they think Yellin Alan Jones, Andy Bolt, Ray Hadley, Steve Price etc are very balanced presenters....lol.

    Anyone less right than them is left wing....lol.

    Need I say more?

    See any similarities in this mindset collection...

    1.Complete inability to accept the result of the last election.
    2.Think Tony Abbott is normal....lol
    3.Think Alan Jones, Andy Bolt and Ray Hadley are balanced in the presentation of their political views.
    4.Born to rule mentality.
    5.Self obsession.
    6.Superiority complex

    Adds up really, doesn't it. Sadly.


    Just tell them to get over it, and go enjoy a lovely red for Anzac Day, and celebrate the ticker shown by our diggers.

    Wish some of these right wingers on here could grow some sack and show some dignity in a simple election defeat. It's just so so pathetic that it's embarrassing to call them Australian.

    I thought Poms were supposed to be the big whingers??

    Possibly explains why most of them love having a Brit as our head of state.
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