5 food groups a fad or fact, page-66

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    Hi Jantimot

    "This is the first diet I have ever tried, because it is basically the paleolithic diet - what we lived on for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Potatoes, sweet corn and sweet potatoes are all alien to us, as they come from America. Wheat is also not natural, having only been in our diet for a few, maybe twelve, thousand years. And all the fruit we eat now has been selectively bred for sweetness. So have some vegetables, we all love a sweet carrot, for example, loaded with fructose."

    Perhaps for most of that time the hard physical work that was normal masked the effects of starch and sugar?Now we have manufacturers pushing a hi carb diet on us after we have become relatively sedentary. It's good for the food manufacturers as I doubt they would be paying any more than 50c a kilo for either the sugar or flour that they can turn into $5, $10 or $20 per kilo. Not a bad markup if you can get it, couldn't get protein or fat as cheaply. Now we have an epidemic of diabetes and it seems no one has the curiosity to ask(officially, at least) if there is a connection with the low fat/hi carb/ hi obesity craze current.

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