rent increase, page-31

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    every city , suburb, and town has unpopular streets...
    there is the possibility of gentrification down the track...depending on its closeness to the inner city

    supposedly Sydneys Redfern popular with some

    and some people really dont care...they live in their house, and dont worry about the neighbours

    that is why its best to know the suburb, and the street, if possible

    even I got caught once ...thought the area was being cleaned up...lots of new people were there...
    but I could not sell it fast enuff....after a year of breakins, cars damaged, and the absolute crap going on..
    even for a was not going to live up to the promise of a clean up
    there are lots of places in Albury, I would not touch..
    same Richmond in Melb...or Broadmeadows..
    and most of South Yarra

    there is a different breed of people out there, who either dont care, dont mind, or happy there......
    it takes all types
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