boat people deaths- who is to blame?

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 54
    Interested in opinions -Who is to blame for boat people deaths.Suggested order of resposibility 1) Australian labour party -no policies on stopping illegal migration.Behave like a startled rabbit caught in headlights. They blame the ABBOTT,ABBOTT,ABBOTT.
    (2) Greens - Prevent ALP from making changes.Have a complete open door policy and would like to run cruise liners to pick up illegals from Iran,Iraq and Pakistan.Happy for incomers to stay on welfare for ever.
    3)People Smugglers .Happy to run bigger and bigger boats.Any old tub ,overcrowded .Dont care if capsize and people drown.As long as they pay.
    4) Refugee Review Tribunal.Generous assessment of boat people .Highest percentage positive assessment of boat people as genuine refugees in the world.This despite paying $12000 per head which genuine refugees could not afford and arriving with passports destroyed. This soft touch means many captain Emads in the community and encourages boat smugglers.
    5)ABBOTT,ABBOTT,ABBOTT.According to the left wing and ABC is main cause of problems.However he should make a statesman like concession to the paralysed ALP and allow the Malaysia solution (even if full in less than one month) provided Nauru opened as well with temporary protection visas imposed.
    6) The UN whose ratbag policies we sign up to and then allow them to dictate Australian legislation.
    What a bunch of clowns.Our refugee strategy in tatters.Over 1000 arriving per month.More drownings and Gillard has no clues!The answers seem obvious to me .Any suggestions?
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